Week 5: Bat-shit Crazy!

Again, I’m catching up, and while I have all 6 films seen, I actually saw the last two films on the same day, one after the other. I am staggering these posts though so they don’t all post at once. Week 5 sent us to “The Lego Batman Movie.

Shin’s Rating: 4.5/5

The rest of this review contains spoilers, so beware if you continue!

Alright so… it’s a kids film, you know what who cares. Helen and I said from the MINUTE we saw the trailer that we had to go see this film, and we were right. It was brilliant, and a lot of fun to watch. I love things like this. I love seeing these films and knowing that they entertain kids and adults.

What I loved the most about this was that it was unapologetic about the fact it was taking the piss out of the history of Batman. All the characters were great fun, and the explanation of how everything happened was perfect.

I loved the call back to previous versions of Batman, and how they teased about those too. my favourite part was Batman just struggling to actually saying the things that matter to him, and that that is what convinces Barbara to stay.

My honest to god favourite thing about seeing this is something that can not be replicated. Helen and I had a four/five year old boy sat behind us, and he commentated the whole film which actually made it perfect. His irritation at Batman not saying “sorry” is possibly my highlight of my year.

So, go see this, it’s a solid film and I can promise you’ll enjoy it.

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